


Web and Print Design Utilities

Open Multipage PDF Illustrator Plugin

Credit Carlos Canto for this plugin which will import a PDF file with multiple pages into a single Illustrator file, placing each page on an individual artboard. Note that you can save the Illustrator file back to multi-page PDF format. Amongst other things, this is useful as an alternative to printing out online forms provided as PDF files. Pull your forms into Illustrator, add text and superimpose images and/or digital signatures, and save them back out. Save some trees.

Download the .JSX file here.

Web and Print Design Utilities

HTML5 Project Template

Clone this repository and use as a boilerplate to get up and running with some of the latest Continuous Integration (CI) front-end development tools. Familiarize yourself with GitHub, sign up for an account if you haven’t already (and if you haven’t, do that immediately!), fire up a terminal window (don’t be afraid), install Node.js, clone the repo, npm install, and get ready for all the cool things.

Visit the GitHub repository here.


Trans-Dimensional Voyager

Currently filming.

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Subscribe to The Keith Ratner Show YouTube channel. Be sure to click the bell to get notified whenever shiny new stuff shows up.

For audio broadcasts, visit Anchor.fm/keith-ratner.

The Keith Ratner Show is also available on Google Podcasts.

Click here for The Keith Ratner Show RSS Feed

Subscribe to The Keith Ratner Show YouTube channel. Be sure to click the bell to get notified whenever shiny new stuff shows up.

For audio broadcasts, visit Anchor.fm/keith-ratner.

The Keith Ratner Show is also available on Google Podcasts.

Click here for The Keith Ratner Show RSS Feed

Subscribe to The Keith Ratner Show YouTube channel. Be sure to click the bell to get notified whenever shiny new stuff shows up.

For audio broadcasts, visit Anchor.fm/keith-ratner.

The Keith Ratner Show is also available on Google Podcasts.

Click here for The Keith Ratner Show RSS Feed

Subscribe to The Keith Ratner Show YouTube channel. Be sure to click the bell to get notified whenever shiny new stuff shows up.

For audio broadcasts, visit Anchor.fm/keith-ratner.

The Keith Ratner Show is also available on Google Podcasts.

Click here for The Keith Ratner Show RSS Feed
Ready to Conquer the World Articles

On Rock Bands, Kindergarten and Startups

Entrepreneurs are no different from other creative types. They are startup idea machines. We all are, really, until we start growing up and listening to the rest of the world talking about how uncreative they are. The drive to create is at increasing odds with the longing to fit in, thus we settle in and cease innovating. That’s the thing to do, if you’re “normal.”

Some of us (I choose to think of us as “the fortunate ones”) never really grow up. This childlike creativity carries with it the requisite full range of emotions and behaviors, notably self-centeredness, delusions of grandeur, possessiveness, as well as gregariousness.

Children love to play together until they get sick of each other.

The Rock Band Startup Metaphor

Ready to Conquer the World

Putting together a rock band means assembling a group of people you’re going to be spending a lot of time with, chasing your dreams, adjusting your course, “pivoting,” for better or worse. You can bet there is going to be quite a bit of “worse.”

My own musical career case study involved witnessing (and, admittedly, playing an active role in) bands throwing away any chance of success by allowing their emotions to get in the way. Some great music was made amidst the chaos of flying fists, exchanged romantic interests, and shifting alliances, but ultimately, attention spans were short, much like those of Kindergarten classes. Ultimately, bands broke up because we weren’t emotionally prepared to stick it out through the rough times. Indeed, this is why most relationships end.

Kindergarten is the Only Education You’ll Ever Need

If you’ve never volunteered in a Kindergarten, give it a shot. There’s a crash course in human behavior, lessons you may have forgotten over the years. Go get a refresher.

Kindergarten students can be remarkably focused when there is a clear task at hand.

They’ll even work together, happily, and share in the joy of completing things, before moving onto the next endeavor.

Who Do You Want to Spend Nearly All of Your Time With?

There needs to be an emotional contract amongst co-founders. Choose wisely. You will be sharing some trials and tribulations. Your initial ideas are merely seeds. The real question is whether you can get along through thick and thin, inspire each other, maintain some optimism and above all, not give up – unless you’re really not meant to be together. Avoid the initial impulse to break up. Don’t do what my bands did. There were at least a couple of them that may have amounted to something if only they didn’t get carried away and make rash decisions.

Twenty years later, I still speak to my old band mates. With few exceptions, we regret those decisions to this day, all of us left wondering what might have been.

Can your inner child sit still long enough to preserve valuable working relationships?


Groupware Has It Wrong

Do we need groupware? Perhaps the question is, “Why do we need groupware?”

The primary groupware business assumptions are that people need it and that they would be willing to integrate another piece of software into their individual workflows. Let’s look at an assumption along with a possible user persona and scenario:

Groupware assumes people will add software to their workflow.

CommunicationJoe Media has a killer to-do list app that he uses. It’s sort of like Evernote, but it integrates actionable, time-based items that trigger force feedback on his iPhone when he marks them as ‘Done,’ a sensation he now equates with the taste of the best raw oyster he ever had. Joe is not giving up that app. The app also sends e-mail reminders. Joe uses Outlook at work, albeit a bit reluctantly, since he’s no big fan of Microsoft, but he considers it a necessary evil in his workplace, particularly since his organization does business with other businesses who also tend to use Outlook. Scheduling meetings is just much easier that way with people trading meeting invites. They’re not ditching Outlook any time soon.

Joe’s early-adopter-to-a-fault I.T. buddy at work keeps pushing for some kind of group collaboration project management Kanban-style social media-integrated tool to assist their team with meeting deadlines. They tried Yammer for about three minutes once because his friend heard they were well funded, after a customer mentioned that it would be really cool if he could he could chat with other meeting attendees in advance to arrange things like hikes, bike rides, lunches. That was eight months ago. There was no traction.

Joe and the I.T guy constantly bemoan everyone else’s inability to stick to processes, many of which don’t exist in any documented fashion but should, in their eyes, be “Common Sense.” Their big pain point is in communicating deadlines.

People Already Have Collaboration Apps

We all have e-mail, though by default e-mail is far from ideal for project management. For instant communication, the telephone used to be ideal, but phone calls are time consuming and, thanks to the variety of tools available now, the telephone is all but history. Social media services are tribal in nature, thus there tend to be rabid followers for Facebook, Twitter and Google+ (which is decidedly NOT a ghost town, you naysayers), though rarely the twain shall meet. Regardless of the lack of intersection, the messaging infrastructure is already built many times over, but e-mail is the common thread.

Adjusting e-mail to accommodate project management methodologies has been discussed for years, with add-ons developed for Outlook catering to fans of GTD and the like. I’ve been using the free version of ActiveInbox for Gmail. There is a lot of potential there.

The idea is to migrate the important data out of individual e-mails into actionable items with visual cues, calendar integration, and customizable reminders.

E-Mail Is Intensely Personal

Content of e-mail can certainly be personal, not to mention incriminating, but e-mail itself has been woven into the fabric of our society, regardless of the rich ecosystems of apps that have been developed around mobile devices. E-mail is ubiquitous. E-mail is a noun and a verb. People use e-mail for project management whether or not they admit it. It may not be the primary tool for more evolved organizations, but it is highly integrated into processes nonetheless. It cannot be avoided, as everyone else uses it. The popularity of such systems as Getting Things Done is a testament to people’s need for something more, but perhaps a replacement for e-mail is not what we’re all asking for.

Successful collaboration software needs to integrate with existing e-mail along with other popular time management methodologies. It needs to be familiar, with a virtually nonexistent learning curve.

Groupware should not be just another app.


Lean and Mean

The ‘Lean’ (as in ‘Lean Startup‘) methodology may prove instrumental in guiding us into the Information Age, but perhaps it is time to disassociate ourselves from the perceived need to be ‘Mean,’ at least within the context of entrepreneurship. If we agree that we’re striving to contribute to society and improve upon the human condition, we might want to be mindful of the language we use in the process.

Here are a couple of quotes to support my position. I always welcome any feedback to the contrary, all the while making no claims whatsoever that I am immune to cognitive dissonance.

So you are lean and mean and resourceful and you continue to walk on the edge of the precipice because over the years you have become fascinated by how close you can walk without losing your balance. Richard Milhous Nixon

These sounds like the words of someone with a death wish. Without question:

Risk is a necessary component of every entrepreneurial endeavor.

Nevertheless, pathological ideations in a group setting can lead to the ruin of many lives. That’s the reality. I’ll spare you the history lesson.

In America, we hurry–which is well; but when the day’s work is done, we go on thinking of losses and gains, we plan for the morrow, we even carry our business cares to bed with us…we burn up our energies with these excitements, and either die early or drop into a lean and mean old age at a time of life which they call a man’s prime in Europe…What a robust people, what a nation of thinkers we might be, if we would only lay ourselves on the shelf occasionally and renew our edges! Mark Twain, The Innocents Abroad

Anger can be a great motivator. Over time, it will wear you down, if it doesn’t kill you outright. In the meantime, it might turn you into a miserable bastard no one else wants to be around or worse, foster an angry mob.

A German boy must be lean and mean, quick like a greyhound, tough as leather, and hard as Krupp steel. He must learn self-denial, to endure reproaches and injustice, to be reliable, silent, obedient, and loyal. Motto of the Hitler Youth

I do not consider myself a Pacifist, nor do I advocate rolling over in the face of adversity. Self defense is our prerogative. Rather, I caution against exclusionary, adversarial tactics.

It’s worth noting that both Stages Three and Four require an adversary. When we work with people and groups, people in Stage Three groups will say, ‘I’m great because I sold more last quarter than anyone’ or ‘I just bought a huge house.’ They begin to notice that these statements are all comparative, netting out to ‘I’m better than others.’ At Stage Four, people will say, ‘We’re great because our team is winning’ or ‘We have the best people.’ Again, this language system implies ‘We’re better than them.’ At Three, the enemy is other individuals. At Four, it’s another group, or a company, or even an industry. Only at Stage Five does the need for an enemy go away. Dave Logan and John King, Tribal Leadership

Logan and King are referring to the Five Tribal Stages, the fifth of which is embodied by altruism, a focus on values, a ‘noble cause.’ At this stage, the need for adversaries vanishes. After all, we’re in this to make the world a better place, together. Aren’t we?

Are you operating like it’s “You Against the World?”