vHyve Video Streaming App
Responsive HTML5 Media Streaming
SVG Drawing Canvas Overlay
The concept is a live video streaming with a drawing interface and map overlay. HTML5 capabilities are used to track GeoLocation and device orientation. On the development roadmap are the following features:
- Toggle full-screen mode
- Logging in as new or existing user
- User profile setup
- Tracking of user activity, i.e., user’s logged-in status, whether the user is streaming live video, user’s location (if logged in)
- Map overlay should display logged in users along with their streaming status, device orientations and camera facing directions; icons should appear on map, color-coded by streaming status, with icons rotated to reflect real direction based on compass’ true north
- Functionality should be accomplished entirely through HTML5
- Native application development (iOS, Android, etc.)
- Recording of user’s drawing activity as SVG, possibly with configurable frame rate
- Screen recording functionality; this should include recording of live media stream as well as user’s drawing activity on separate recorded tracks
- Cloud storage of recorded media tracks with administrative interface for managing user’s media
- vHyve Studio module to manage stored media inclusive of post-production tools
View the live work-in-progress here: