Author: Keith
Open Multipage PDF Illustrator Plugin
Credit Carlos Canto for this plugin which will import a PDF file with multiple pages into a single Illustrator file, placing each page on an individual artboard. Note that you can save the Illustrator file back to multi-page PDF format. Amongst other things, this is useful as an alternative to printing out online forms provided as PDF files.…
Excel Safety Data Sheet Management Application
This is a complete application, self-contained in one Excel Macro-Enabled .xlsm file. Spreadsheets are used to provide data persistence across sessions, object-relational mapping to VBA classes, and pure VBA to power the user interface. Download the Excel file here.
HTML5 Project Template
Clone this repository and use as a boilerplate to get up and running with some of the latest Continuous Integration (CI) front-end development tools. Familiarize yourself with GitHub, sign up for an account if you haven’t already (and if you haven’t, do that immediately!), fire up a terminal window (don’t be afraid), install Node.js, clone the repo, npm install,…
Trans-Dimensional Voyager
Currently filming. Subscribe to The Keith Ratner Show YouTube channel. Be sure to click the bell to get notified whenever shiny new stuff shows up. For audio broadcasts, visit The Keith Ratner Show is also available on Google Podcasts. Click here for The Keith Ratner Show RSS Feed Subscribe to The Keith Ratner Show…
On Rock Bands, Kindergarten and Startups
Entrepreneurs are no different from other creative types. They are startup idea machines. We all are, really, until we start growing up and listening to the rest of the world talking about how uncreative they are. The drive to create is at increasing odds with the longing to fit in, thus we settle in and…
Groupware Has It Wrong
Do we need groupware? Perhaps the question is, “Why do we need groupware?” The primary groupware business assumptions are that people need it and that they would be willing to integrate another piece of software into their individual workflows. Let’s look at an assumption along with a possible user persona and scenario: Groupware assumes people…
Lean and Mean
The ‘Lean’ (as in ‘Lean Startup‘) methodology may prove instrumental in guiding us into the Information Age, but perhaps it is time to disassociate ourselves from the perceived need to be ‘Mean,’ at least within the context of entrepreneurship. If we agree that we’re striving to contribute to society and improve upon the human condition,…